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2121 S. Marsalis Ave.

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General Information

At Harrell Budd Elementary School, our mission is to provide a safe and secure learning environment in which students gain the behavioral and academic skills necessary to become lifelong learners and successful citizens. We empower students to learn by providing a rigorous curriculum that encourages collaboration and permits students to be stakeholders in their own education.
Harrell Budd Elementary has implemented many innovative and researched-based instructional practices, which have resulted in our students' academic performance being on an upward trend. Students have continued this learning endeavor to gain a deeper knowledge of the content areas being studied in the formative years of their education. The Budd staff challenges and encourages students to perform at their utmost potential.
The school staff interacts with parents and the community to ensure student success. Parents are valued partners and are encouraged to participate in school activities. Parents are invited to meet with teachers to discuss student progress on a frequent basis, and information on topics of interest to parents is discussed. Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in the school by assisting in classrooms, participating in PTA, and serving on the Site-Based Decision-Making committee.