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Meet the Counselor
Phone: (972) 502-8411
Qualifications: Master of Counseling Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education Counselor PK-12 Elementary Reading 1-8 Elementary Self-Contained 1-8
Mrs. Connie Turner
Welcome to another exciting school year! My goal is to encourage all students to reach their highest academic and personal potential through a comprehensive counseling program.
I have served in education for twenty-two years (twenty in Dallas ISD), nine years as a classroom teacher and thirteen as a counselor.
As your counselor, I wear many hats, but one of my goals is to support every child every day. If you have any concerns about your child or notice they are having a difficult time, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. As part of my role, I go into classrooms and teach character education lessons, conduct small groups to help students strengthen their social emotional skills, meet with students individually on a short-term basis, and can assist in helping with longer-term support.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.